Well, I've already failed at my LIST duties! Even with an extra day, I couldn't manage to write my February blog on time. Looks like you'll be hearing from me twice in March to compensate.
That said, I cannot believe it is already March. Time sure does fly when you're in school, working, and attempting to run a household. A lot happened in February, some of which I am (unfortunately) not at liberty to discuss right now. Let's just say my LIST will have to be re-vamped soon to accommodate our changing lives here in Norfolk. (Let me kill the suspense. I am not pregnant. Trust me, you'll know when I am as I intend to rent billboards across the U.S. announcing it someday. Think 2015. Can you wait until then?)
February was a month of pleasant surprises and challenges. Our house has been in a constant state of disarray, because neither one of us really has the time or energy to do anything about it. Plus, we're slobs at heart, so unless we're expecting company, you won't find me scrubbing anything and Lucas is afraid of cleaning products.
Speaking of company, we found out in February that my mom, sister, and niece will be stopping in Norfolk at the end of March for their very first visit to a real, live ghetto (our neighborhood). This means I will be spending the week prior to their visit fumigating our house. I might have to send Lucas to stay with some friends that week, so that my efforts to clean the house aren't in vain. No, seriously. I married Pig Pen. The man can walk across a freshly swept floor and destroy all evidence of its cleanliness.
Speaking of debris and junk (?) - I am in the market for a new car. Yep, I am currently speaking with Hampton Roads junk yards in an attempt to get a few hundred bucks for the Beetle. Then, with my savings and our tax return, I plan on making a down payment. I would like a four door, hatchback that is easily fixed. No bells or whistles required. That said, I will never drive a Volkswagen EVER again. It was cute and fun, but dear heavenly father did it cost a ton to fix. My price maximum is $15,000. Any suggestions?
In terms of classes, they're going well. Anatomy and Phys. is tough, but I'm fighting right through it. Now I can identify the muscles that hurt at the end of a long night of dance classes. For some reason, saying "My latissimus dorsi is on fire! Those Ailey tilts really did a number on them!" isn't as annoying as simply complaining about my "aching back."
Lucas is also trucking along and the cat and dog have decided our heaping pile of laundry is a fun spot to snooze. So, all-in-all, we're doing just fine and dandy. Stay tuned!